UPDATE October 2010:  My daily regimen on workout days.  Days I don’t workout, I don’t follow this regimen.


Mixed fresh fruit, a couple breakfast sausages or turkey bacon slices, sometimes an egg or small cheese omelet.  I take my two pills for high-blood pressure, a vitamin D geltab, a multivitamin supplement, and three 1000mg Omega-3 fish oil geltabs.  I mix one scoop of vanilla whey protein powder (about 26 g of protein) to four tablespoons of plain yogurt.  I have a cup of mild coffee and a tall glass of water mixed with Clamato juice (my favorite) – about a 4-to-1 mix of water to juice.


I mix a scoop of protein powder at work with a half-cup of black coffee.  I may take 1000 mg of Ibuprofen  with it if I am feeling injury pain. I also take two or three chewable calcium tablets (sometimes, the workout makes me feel a little reflux).


After my workout, with lunch, I mix a scoop of protein powder with a half-cup of black coffee (adding sugar makes it far too sweet).  It looks like a cappuccino. I also have two more 1000mg Omega-3 fish oil geltabs, and maybe later two or three chewable calcium tablets.

After dinner:

In the evenings I take three scoops of whey protein, mixed with a glass (8 to 10 oz) of non-fat milk.  In all cases, I let it set long enough to melt and dissolve as much as possible.  It’s bad enough without adding in clots and clumps.  The protein I use has BCAA (branched chain amino acids).  This is taken right before I go to bed.  I try to get about 8 hours of sleep.  I may also take up to 1000mg of Ibuprofen, if I am feeling pain.  This is when I ice sore parts for 15 to 30 minutes.

UPDATE August 2010:

I am mixing one scoop of vanilla whey protein powder (about 26 g of protein) to four tablespoons of plain yogurt, eaten as part of breakfast.  Verdict:  not half bad.  I am also taking a scoop after my workout, with lunch.  I mix it with black coffee (adding sugar makes it far too sweet).  It looks like a cappuccino.  Verdict:  utterly vile.  BLECH.  In the evenings I take three scoops with one scoop of soy protein, mixed with a pint of non-fat milk.  In all cases, I let it set long enough to melt and dissolve as much as possible.  It’s bad enough without adding in clots and clumps.

UPDATE July 2010:

I am trying to keep the same protein intake, but am doing five 1000mg omega-3 fish oil gel caps a day.  My doctor recommended this as a way to reduce cholesterol (but it has to be four to six  a day).  She also warned that at these levels, it can have similar effects as a baby aspirin.  I have also learned that fish oil relaxes the gastric valve at the top of the stomach, increasing the chances of acid reflux, so I am taking two or three chewable calcium tablets before and after workouts, as I have three geltabs with breakfast and two with lunch (after the workout).

I eat a smaller breakfast, but still lots of fruit (LOTS).  Maybe 3 or 4 small sausage links, only one cup of weaker coffee, and instead of OJ, I drink Clamato mixed with water (3/4 water to 1/4 clamato).  Some people hate it, but I LOVE clamato.  Might pick up with the yogurt protein mix again, still working that in.


I work out at the gym four to five days a week.  I rest on weekends.  I drink beer on weekends (sometimes I’ll sneak one in after a long day at work – who doesn’t?), and I still like bratwurst (but in much smaller amounts now).

My protein powder intake is a mix of whey and soy, for a total of around 140 to 150 grams a day.  This is in line with the common rules of thumb I have seen proclaiming between one and two grams per kilogram of body weight for ideal muscle growth.  Counting the non-fat milk I mix it with, and the food, I suspect I am getting at least 170 grams of total protein a day.


Breakfast is two cups of coffee, a large glass of orange juice, a bowl of yogurt with chopped fruit and whey protein (one scoop, 26 grams) mixed in.  Also a plate with more fruit, a slice of whole grain toast (fat-free margarine), and two eggs, sausage patties, or bacon.  I take my meds, a multi-vitamin, and a fish-oil gelcap.


I have already hit the gym for the day (about an hour), and mix up three 25 gram scoops of whey protein with about two glasses of non-fat milk.  I take another multi-vitamin and fish-oil gelcap.  Before the workout, I take a couple of calcium anti-acids (I get heartburn otherwise).  Throughout the day, I will finish off one or two meat and cheese sandwiches my wife has made me.  On Thursdays, I go out with friends for chimichangas instead, but everyday is protein day.


Lots of fish, lean chicken, rice, steamed veggies, salads, etc.  I’ll have a big glass of water or tea, usually.


A large glass of milk with two 20 gram scoops of soy protein mixed in.  And a fish-oil gelcap.

The Workout:

M-W-F = Back/Chest/Shoulder Day. they are complementary groups, and this lets me avoid working major muscle groups every day.

  • Lat pulldowns, wide and narrow grip – 160 lbs (warmup), 200 to 220 lbs and down
  • Seated row – 220 lbs and down
  • Iso-bench – 90 lbs (warm-up), 230 lbs and down
  • Shoulder dumbell presses – 45 lbs (warm-up), 55 lbs and down
  • Arm extensions, front and side – 30 lbs and down

T-Th = Arms and Legs.

  • Leg presses – 360 lbs (warm-up), 480 lbs
  • Tricep presses or skull-splitters – 40 lbs (one-arm, warm-up), 60 lbs (one-arm with assist) and down
  • Seated concentration bicep dumbell curls – 25 lbs (warm up), 40 lbs and down

Everyday = Calves and Abs.

  • Seated calf lifts – 180 lbs (warm-up), 250 lbs
  • Kneeling ab pulldown crunches – 125 lbs and down, under, out front, and twisting to each knee

I workout in the morning, between 09:30 AM AND 10:30 AM.  This is when I have learned that my body is at its peak from breakfast.  Earlier, and I am both “heavy” and low on energy.  Later, and I am hungry and low on energy.

So this is where I am at now.  When I started up again in August, I was down to 176 lbs.  Now I am back up to 186 lbs, and have regained most of my strength.  I have missed a couple or three weeks here and there, but no problem – I won’t be running out of weeks anytime soon.

I feel great.  I’ll be posting weekly, most likely.

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